Giant Red Bull Ant
Giant Brown Bull Ant
Toothless Bull Ant
Jumper Ant
Giant Jumper Ant
Gilden-tail Bull Ant 
Baby Bull Ant
Tree Ants 
Black Valentine Ant
Bicoloured Pennant Ant
Muscleman Tree-ant
Yellow Shield Ant
Brown Shield Ant 
Green-headed Ant
Green Metallic Ant
Michelin Ant
Painted Strobe Ant
Black-headed Sugar Ant
Banded Sugar Ant
Orange-tailed Sugar Ant
Golden-tailed Sugar Ant
Dark Brown Sugar Ant 
Small Brown Sugar Ant
Furnace Ant 
Large Purple Meat Ant
Red-headed Tyrant Ant
Black Tyrant Ant
Brown Tyrant Ant 
Red Spider Ant
Black Spider Ant
Large Dolly Ant
Small Dolly Ant
Spiny Dolly Ant 


Toothless Bull Ant - Myrmecia fulviculis or M. mandibularis 

Subfamily Myrmeciinae

This page contains pictures and information about Toothless Bull Ants that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

Body length 15mm
The ant has the black head and body, red legs and golden abdomen. Notice its jaws are relatively smooth comparing with other bull ants, i.e., its common name Toothless Bull Ant.
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We found them occasionally in Karawatha Forest from early summer September till late summer.
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Together with other ants with golden abdomen and black body, we believe this is a warning colour pattern to other predators. 
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We sometime saw this ant searching and attacking small spiders under barks and between leaves.
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Their nest 

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We found one nest of the Toothless Bull Ant. It was near the Bushtail Track in Karawatha Forest. There was only one entry, which is raised a few mm from the ground surrounded by small gravels. The nest entry was not very busy when we noticed it. There is one or two ants guarding and no other activity. They were very aggressive. 
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When we came closer to have a look, five to six ants came out towards us until we retreat to over a meter away the entry. When we tapped the nest entry with a stick, steam of ants ran out and chased towards us.
This species could be either the Myrmecia mandibularis or M. fulviculis, both species are "toothless". We checked that most likely it is the M. fulviculis. 
Please check this page for the general information about Bull Ants. 

1. Australian Ant Image Database - Australian Ant Image Database, R.W Taylor.
2. Myrmecia Fabricius, 1804 - CSIRO, 2010. Ants Down Under, viewed 15 March 2010, <>.

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Fire Ants - We are suffering the Fire Ants problem. 
The Red Imported Fire Ant, Solenopsis invicta, is a serious new pest which has been detected in Brisbane, Queensland. 
They can be the greatest ecological threat to Australia. More information please visit our Government Fire Ants web site.

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Last updated: March 20, 2010.