Orange Black Stink Bug


Red Green Spined Stink Bug - Morna florens

Family Pentatomidae

This page contains pictures and information about Red Green Spined Stink Bugs that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
Body length 10mm 
This is one of the few insects that we found in mid-winter. This little green bug was hiding between the pine leaves. We found few of them easily on the same pine tree in Wishart bushland. 
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The bugs are green colour with red spots on their head and back. They have the sharp spiny shoulder. When disturbed, the bug drops onto the ground and play dead. So we took  its bottom picture easily. Its bottom is even more colourful, with green, orange, yellow and white patterns. After a while, it quickly moved away and hided under the dry leaf.
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The bug can be found on pine trees and She-oak pine tree (Casuarina sp.)  
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Their eggs ?
We found this eggs on She-oak pine in Carbrook Wetland on Nov 2010. We think they are the Red Green Spined Stink Bug's eggs but not exactly sure.

1. Stink Bugs of Australia - FaunaKeys,  Australian Museum online 2003.
2. Morna Stål, 1867 - by Gerry Cassis, Emma Betts and Michael Elliott, Stink Bugs, Fauna Net, Australian Museum 2002 
3. Morna florens (Walker, 1867) - Australian Biological Resources Study, Department of the Environment and Heritage, Commonwealth of Australia 2005. 
4. Plant-feeding and Other Bugs (Hemiptera) of South Australia. Heteroptera-Part II - Gross, G.F. (1976). Adelaide: A.B. James, p491. 
5. Morna florens - Department of Entomology, North Dakota State University.
6. Insects of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University Press, 2nd Edition 1991, plate 3L. 


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Last updated: August 12, 2010.