Brown Ringlet - Hypocysta metirius


This page contains information and pictures about Brown Ringlet Butterflies in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia. They are also known as Common Brown Ringlet.

Wingspan 35mm
This is a medium small size butterfly commonly seen in Brisbane bushland. The butterfly is brown in colour with two eyespot patterns on each of its hind wing. 
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This butterfly looks similar to the Orange Ringlet except forewings are grey-brown in colour. 
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The butterfly flies close to the ground waving above shrubs and grasses. .   
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There are the eye-spot patterns on the bottom side of hind wings. They eye-sports are circled with silvery ring.  
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The eggs are pale green in colours laid on grasses. Their caterpillars are green or brown with dark lines along the body, with two small  horns on head and tail. They feed on common grasses and sedges, including couch grass (Cynodon dactylon) and Poaceae (Imperata).

1. Australian Tropical Butterflies - by Peter Valentine, photography by Clifford and Dawn Frith, 2nd Printing 1991, p48. 

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Last updated: June 30, 2010.