
Longicorn Beetles
Common Eucalypt Longicorn
Eucalypt Longicorn
Wasp-like Longicorn I
Wasp-like Longicorn II
Wasp-like Longicorn III 
Other Tribes
Large Brown Longicorn
One-banded Longicorn
Decora Longicorn
Flower Longicorn
Ant-mimicking Longicorn
Bamboo Tiger Longicorn
Lycid-mimicking Beetle
Fig Longicorn
Sheep Longicorn
Black Small Acacia Longicorn
Motley Small Acacia Longicorn
She-Oak Longicorn
Tea-tree Longicorn
Dark Brown Longicorn
Green Longicorn Beetle
Acacia Longicorn I
Acacia Longicorn II
Other Tribe 
Double-coned Longicorn 
Small Longicorn Beetle
Fern Longicorn Beetle
Unidentified Longicorn



This page contains pictures and information about Longicorn Beetles, family Cerambycidae that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
All members in this family Cerambycidae are commonly called Longicorn Beetles. They are also known as Long-horned Beetles. They are from small to very large in size. They have very long antennae, typically 11 segmented. The antenna is often more than two-thirds, some are even three times as their body length. Their antenna can be directed backwards over body. The compound eyes are notched at the base of the antennae. They have apparently four segments on each tarsus.
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11 segmented antennae                                           Notched compound eyes                                         Feeding on stem
Adults are active fliers. The body usually elongated and cylindrical in shape. Their legs are medium long. They have obvious strong mandibles for chewing, some feed on flowers. 
Longicorn Beetles lay eggs  in cracks of barks or under barks. Most Longicorn Beetle larvae are wood borers. Usually they are host specific of living or dead trees, usually infest severely on weakened trees, dying or felled logs. The life cycles are from few months to more than a year. 
Longicorn Larvae are also known as Round-headed Borers. They are  hardly be seen for they live inside wood. They are usually white grub looks with large dark brown head and strong mandibles. They are slightly tapering towards the end. Some species tunnel deep into the heartwood and some bore largely under the bark. They pupate inside the wood as well. When hatch, the adults cut emergence holes through the bark.
In Australia we have four longicorn subfamilies.  Cerambycinae and Lamiinae are common while Prioninae and Parandrinae are rare. We found different species of Longicorn Beetles and listed in the following subfamily pages. As you can see there is quite a bit to learn about the Beetle. If it really interest you might want to switch your study course from a online mba to checking out a park ranger job or even studying up on Botany could help.

Subfamily Cerambycinae

Longicorn Beetles in subfamily Cerambycinae can be distinguished by the head prognathous (with jaws forwards). Most of them have slender body. Some of them are colourful.

Subfamily Lamiinae

Longicorn Beetles in subfamily Lamiinae can be distinguished by the head hypognathous (with jaws down). Most of them have stout body and brown in colours. 

Longicorn Beetles not identified yet


1. Insects of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University Press, 2nd Edition 1991, p 672.
2. A guide to the Genera of Beetles of South Australia Part.7 - Matthews, E.G. & Reid C.A.M.Adelaide, Eureca Corporate Group. 1997.  
3. Northern Territory Insects, A Comprehensive Guide CD - Graham Brown, 2009. 
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Subfamily Cerambycinae ] Subfamily Lamiinae ] Longicorn Beetles not identified yet ]


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Last updated: January 26, 2013.