Lycid-mimicking Moth
Grey Bark Moth
Leaf-case Moths
Wattle Concealer Moth
Banded Concealer Moth I
Banded Concealer Moth II 
Purple Banded Concealer I
Purple-banded Concealer II
Banded Concealer Moth III 
Tube Concealer Moth
Tunnel Concealer Moth 
Banded Concealer Moth IV
Concealer Moth Caterpillars
Banded Timber Moth
Gum Tree Borer Moth
White Timber Moth I
Mottled Timber Moth
Bark Timber Moth
White Timber Moth II
Timber Moth Caterpillars 
Small Grey Moth
Small Banded Moth
Narrow-winged Moth 
Gelechid Moth 
Long-horned Moth
Unknown in this Group



This page contains pictures and information about Concealer Moths in family Oecophoridae that we found in Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
Oecophoridae is a very large moth family. They are common in Australia but not quite in the other parts of the world. Adult Concealer Moths are from small to medium size. Some of them are colourful. The head is usually covered with smooth hairy-looking scales. When rest, they usually held the antenna backwards along the outside edge of wing. Some species held wings roof-like and some held wing flat back over body. They are not active fliers, usually found resting on plants during the day. 
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Concealer Moths 
As most of the other moths, they are active at night. One special characteristic is they have the upturn pointed stickle-shaped labial palpi in front of their head. The apical segment is usually slender, tapering and acute. 
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The caterpillars are usually small and hairless, have wide variable of "concealed" habits, from spinning leaves together to constructing various forms of portable cases. Some of them make tunnel in wood, stems, flowers or galls. Some of them feed on decay plant materials. Most of the larvae in family Oecophoridae associate with Eucalyptus. 
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Different forms of Concealer Moth caterpillar's case.
There are four subfamilies in Oecophoridae, they are the  Stathmopodinae, Autostichinae, Stenomatinae and Oecophorinae. In some reference the Xyloryctinae is included in this family. Some other reference listed Xyloryctinae as the family Xyloryctidae.

Stathmopodinae - Narrow-winged Concealer Moths

Moths in this subfamily are narrow-winged. They are small in size with recurved divergent labial palpi. Larvae are found feeding on green leaves, as leaf-miner, boring in flowers, fruits or galls. Some are found feeding on dead leaves or as predator to scale insects or spider eggs.
Lycid-mimicking Moth
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Snellenia lineata, body length 8mm 
This is a small moth mimicking a Lycid Beetle. It has the Lycid brick-red colours. Its antenna, head and thorax all look similar to Lycid. What are the advantages of mimicking a Lycid Beetle? Please check this page for more information.


This is a small subfamily and we did not found any of them yet.  

Stenomatinae - Grey Concealer Moths

Grey Bark Moth
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Agriophara discobola, body length 30mm
The fore wings of the moth are cryptically patterned. It is hard to be noticed when resting on tree trunk. Larvae live between joined leaves of Myrtaceae includes Eucalyptus. Please check this page for more information.


This is the largest subfamily in OECOPHORIDAE. The adult moths are from small to medium size. They are common in Eucalyptus forests. Larvae feed on gumtree leaves, some on fresh and some on dead leaves.

Wingia group

Leaf-case Moths
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Garrha sp, body 15mm
Genus Garrha larvae make portable cases from dead Eucalyptus leaves upon which they feed. We found a few number of difference Garrha sp. and all put in one page. Please check this page for more information.
Wattle Concealer Moth
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Epicurica laetiferanus, body length 20mm
Photos were taken on Mar 2010 outside my office in Eight Mile Plains. It was attracted by a fluorescent lamp there. From reference information the larvae feed on Acacia. Please check this page for more information.
Banded Concealer Moth I
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Eochrois platyphaea, body length 20mm
There are a lot of black and white banded moths in the family OECOPHORIDAE as well as the other moth families. They may be looked very similar. 
Please check this page for more information.
Banded Concealer Moth II
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Zonopetala clerota, body length 15mm
This moth mimics bird-dropping in dirty black and white colours. During the day it was usually found resting on leaf. Please check this page for more details.
Purple-banded Concealer Moth I
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Chrysonoma fascialis, body length 20mm
The moth is banded in purple and yellow colours. Please check this page for more pictures and information.
Purple-banded Concealer Moth II
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? Chrysonoma sp., body length 20mm
Pictures were taken on Oct 2009, Carbrook Wetland. Please check this page for more information.

Banded Concealer Moth III
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Eulechria platyrrhabda, body length 15mm
Pictures taken in Bulimba Creek near Yimbun Park on Oct 2007. From reference information the larvae feed on Eucalyptus leaves. Some may feed on dead leaves. Please check this page for more information.

Tube Concealer Moth
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Hemibela tyranna, body length 20mm 
Caterpillars of genus Hemibela live in tube. They make a hollow tube from small twig and live inside as protection. They change tube when they grow up. They pupate inside the tube as well. All of them feed on gum leaves. More information and pictures can be found in this page.

Tunnel Concealer Moth
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Philobota ellenella,  body length 15mm
Quite a number of this moth were found in Karawatha Forest on August 2007. The moth has colourful long wings. Please check this page for more information.

Banded Concealer Moth IV
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Brachynemata diantha, body length 20mm
Feb 2010, outside office. This moth was attracted there by a fluorescent lamp there. Please check this page for more information.                                                                                             

Concealer Moth Caterpillars
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?sp., body length 20mm
This caterpillar builds retreat with silk between two leaves. They look like the caterpillars in this family, but not so sure. 

1. Moths of Australia - I. F. B. Common, Melbourne University Press, 1990, p217.
2. Insects of Australia and New Zealand - R. J. Tillyard, Angus & Robertson, Ltd, Sydney, 1926, p424.
3. OECOPHORIDAE of Australia - Caterpillars of Australian Moths - Don Herbison-Evans & Stella Crossley, 2009.
4. Moths - family Oecophoridae - lifeunseen.com by Nick Monaghan.
5. Oecophoridae - Insects of Townsville, Australia - Graeme Cocks.
6. A Guide to Australian Moths - Paul Zborowski, Ted Edwards, CSIRO PUBLISHING, 2007, p64. 
7. Family OECOPHORIDAE - Australian Faunal Directory, Australian Biological Resources Study.
8. Australian Moths Online - CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences 2011.  
9. Northern Territory Insects, A Comprehensive Guide CD - Graham Brown, 2009.


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Last updated: August 03, 2011.