

Scarlet Jezabel - Delias argenthona


This page contains information and pictures about Scarlet Jezabel Butterflies in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia. They also known as Northern Jezabel.

Wingspan 65mm, male
We found this Scarlet Jezabel hiding in shade during a hot mid summer afternoon in Karawatha Forest, otherwise they usually fly high near the tree top. The caterpillar feeds on Mistletoes.
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The pupa is about is orange-yellow with black spikes. It is attached to a leaf of the food plants.
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Length 20mm 

1. Australian Tropical Butterflies - By Peter Valentine, Clifford Frith (photos), Dawn Frith (photos), 1991, p37.
2. The Complete Field Guide to Butterflies of Australia - Michael F Braby, Australian National University, CSIRO 2004, p138. 
3. Delias argenthona (Fabricius, 1793) - Don Herbison-Evans & Stella Crossley. 


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Last updated: June 30, 2010.