Long-tailed Wasp
Blue-eyed Hatchet Wasp
Yellow-antenna Hatchet Wasp
White-dotted Hatchet Wasp
Round-headed Hatchet Wasp 
Gasteruptiid Wasp
Small Gasteruptiid Wasp 


Large Cuckoo Wasp - Stilbum cyanurum


This page contains pictures and information about the Large Cuckoo Wasps that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
Body length 20mm
Large Cuckoo Wasps are common in Brisbane suburban. They are usually seen flying slowly looking for wasp nest.  
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The wasp in the above photos was collected by our friend Ben inside his house in Brisbane during mid summer. We set it free after we took those photos.
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The adult Cuckoo Wasp's back is well armored and with abdomen concave beneath. When disturbed, it curl up into a ball. This is a defense behavior against the attack by angry nest host.

Cuckoo Wasps parasite on Eumeninae of Vespidae, include the Large Mud-nesting Wasp. We found two Cuckoo Wasps came out from Large Mud-nesting Wasp's mud-nest.
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Please check the Cuckoo wasp CHRYSIDIDAE family page for more general information. 

1. Insects of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University Press, 2nd Edition 1991, pp 973, plate 5V.
2. Stilbum superbum - Insects of Townsville, Australia - Graeme Cocks, 2004

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Last updated: September 23, 2012.